This is the second time this week that I have gotten up at 9 to be in class at 10:15 and the professor has not shown up. I don't think an email would be too much to ask for. Now, I am waiting in the business building for my second class to start. I could right my essay, or study some Estonian phrases but I am going to tell you about my weekend in Tallinn before I forget it.
Let me just start by saying that if I knew that I would have to climb that huge hill at 7:15am, I probably wouldn't have went. Of course, exercise never hurt anyone and I need all the exercise I can get but usually when you exercise, you are aware of the torture that you are about to put yourself through. We had to walk around 30-35 minutes just to get to the train station. One problem that happens when you move in large groups is that it tends to move a lot slower. We were very close to missing our train and I was not even seated when the train began to move. My flatmates and friends were all ahead of me so I had to grab a seat closest to me. That was the most uncomfortable 20 minutes of my life. As the time started to progress and people got off at various stops, I was able to move and sit with my friends that I made on the way over to Estonia. The train ride took three hours and that was three hours too long. The seats were too hard and lets be honest, it wasn't that great of quality. However when you only pay 5 euros for a three hour trip, you compare that to gas prices and quickly shut your mouth.

Upon arriving, we got out of the train and stretched our bodies. We then broke off into two groups. One group was for those who thought ahead and brought food for the travel and the second group was for those that didn't. I was in the second group. We found a local bakery to eat at before we started our tour of Old Tallinn. I, not thinking, ask for a donut that was ,50 which seemed to be a good deal. However when I bit into it, was extremely stale. I chalked it up to being the way that Estonians make their donuts. I was telling my friends about it when one of them asked me which part of the counter did I get it from. She then explained that the pastries on top of the counter was discounted because they were older and need to be sold. On the bright side, my juice box was amazing.

The tour was a long one with a lot of information that I forgot as soon as it passed through tour guide's lips. One thing that I can say was that the tour guide was really excited about his job. He had a passion about knowing and sharing information about his country. As long as he was happy, I was happy.
Due to the fact that we had a late start, we had to skip lunch for the time being and head straight to the Seaplane Harbor Museum. Again the tour guide was passionate about what she did and she made sure she did occupy our time for too long. I think if my feet were not yelling profanities and vulgarities at me, I would have gained a lot more information. At that point though, all I want to do was sit down and have a drink. When we were finally allowed to roam free, I found my friends and we grabbed a seat and ordered us a cold coke. I do believe that I experienced a taste of heaven.

From there, my flatmates and I took pictures by the Baltic Sea and went out to eat pancakes. We then went to find our hostel which is a whole other post in itself. We decided to spend the night in Tallinn so went out to see what the night life was about. We seen a lady dancing with fire and music group play on a random street. We finally landed at this Tex-Mex restaurant, and the girls kept asking me did it feel like home. I've never been to Texas so it really didn't remind me of anything. We ordered drinks, chips and salsa and made it our resting place for the next hour.
Right below the restaurant was this bar that one of my flatmates really wanted to go to. It was so sketchy looking that I really didn't want to go, but we had to travel in a group. There was a live band that my flatmates were trying to listen to but once they heard the quality, they were ready to go. I was just glad that we didn't have to stay there that long.
The next morning we grabbed some breakfast at the local market and wen up on some platform to eat by the Baltic sea. The view was so pretty that I could have stayed there for hours but we had shopping to do. We went to the mall and the only thing that I purchased was a book, and I was more than happy with my findings.
We made it home around six and though I had a good time, I was ready to lay in my own bed, and spend some quality time with the book that I bought.